Happy Halloween 2020!

Hello everybody, as you’re aware that today is Oct 31, 2020 on this side of the world. If you live on the opposite side of the world, it’s already Nov 1, 2020. That means it’s officially Halloween as long it’s Oct 31, 2020 for anyone living on this side of the world. Which means that you’re allowed to go scare somebody, partying, or get some tasty treats; although we’re currently under a COVID-19 pandemic till a vaccine/treatment is approved and available, these activities are cancelled (postponed) or altered/changed for safety precautions. As always for every year, I would like to wish everyone to have a safe, healthy and Happy Halloween from me(DarkShame2) of Anime Vestige. So have a “Trick or Treat” to you and your friends/family along with anyone else out there. Please enjoy the fireworks as long it’s allowed and legal, unless it’s been banned. If you’re going to light them, always be safe and cautious with them and read the instructions on the label for proper handling in a safe location as well. Don’t forget to wear a face mask/covering and/or gloves as well as adhere to the health guidelines/restrictions that are in place.

Just a friendly reminder that Daylight Savings end on Nov 1, 2020, though some regions in the world are earlier in October, for those who live in a country with DST in effect. This indicate you’ll fall back 1 hour as DST concludes. Please remember to set your clocks, that are on manual and not automatic like your computer, on Oct 31, 2020 as it’s tonight before going to bed or sleep as you’ll gain an extra hour.

Have a spooky, fun, safe and healthy Halloween, everyone. Enjoy it while you can.